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Employers' Liability Insurance

Compare quotes and protect your small business

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A legal requirement if you have employees

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Protect against claims due to staff injuries or illnesses

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What is...

employers' liability insurance?

Employers' liability insurance is essential for any business with employees and is a legal requirement in the UK. It covers claims made by staff for workplace-related injuries or illnesses and will help towards compensation claims, legal fees or medical bills if your business is at fault.  

Without it, your business could end up covering these costs – even for claims made by former employees. 

Who needs employers’ liability insurance?

Employers' liability insurance is legally required for most businesses in the UK that employ staff, including full-time, part-time, temporary workers, apprentices, and even volunteers or interns. If you’re a sole trader without any employees, you may be exempt. Always check with your insurer if you’re unsure.

Small to medium businesses

Whether you run a small high street shop, salon or anything in between - you'll need the right coverage. This helps protect against claims from employee injury or illness caused by the work they carry out for you.

Limited companies

If you're a larger enterprise with any employees, including limited companies you're likely to have many employees. The right level of insurance helps protect against employee claims for injury or illness as a result of the work they do for you.

James Barwell

Employer’s liability insurance is a legal requirement for many businesses. It can help protect your wallet, so you may not have to pay out if an employee claims against you

James Barwell – Insurance Director

How much is employers’ liability insurance?

The cost of employers’ liability insurance cover varies depending on several factors unique to your business, including:  

  • Type of business - High-risk industries like construction or manufacturing typically have higher premiums than lower-risk businesses such as retail or office-based work. 
  • Number of employees - The more employees you have, the higher the risk and the cost of coverage. 
  • Claims history - A history of claims can indicate higher risk, leading to increased premiums. 
  • Workplace risks - Businesses with hazardous working environments or specialized equipment may face higher costs. 
  • Policy coverage level - The industry standard is £10 million across the insurers we deal with. Any additional cover will influence the price. 

To find out exactly what it’ll cost to insure your business, speak to a member of our insurance team today! 

What if you have volunteers? Our Business Comparison Expert, Les Roberts, explains more.

Compare employers' liability quotes

Or speak to one of our team on 0800 000 000

How Bionic business Insurance comparison works

Compare business insurance quotes in three simple steps

Start your quote online

Speed up the process by submitting basic business details online – whenever you have time. 


Speak to our UK-based team

Schedule a call with one of our insurance brokers to discuss the details to ensure they’re correct. 


Compare tailored quotes

Get your quotes from our panel of trusted insurers and talk any questions through with our team. 

What do I need to get started?

You only need a few details to get started with getting a quote online, so it’s best to have the following information ready to go: 

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Your business name and trade

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Your policy start date

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Your name and contact details to receive your quote options

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You may be asked additional questions about business activities

We know business insurance admin is boring, that’s why we make it painless. But, don’t just take our word for it – see what our customers have to say!

Employers' Liability Insurance FAQs

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