Folgate business insurance and unoccupied premises during coronavirus
Last updated September 16, 2020
Now the government has started to lift some of the lockdown restrictions, you might be able to re-open your business. On the other hand, you could be among those business owners who are still unable to reopen, maybe because of personal circumstances or because of the industry you work in.
Whatever your current circumstances, please read the following information to make sure you know exactly where you stand regarding your current Folgate insurance policy and highlight some of the conditions you need to be aware of.
Even if you’ve already re-opened and your policy cover remains unaffected, we recommend you read over the statement of fact provided when you bought your policy, to make you can comply with the policy terms and conditions.
Please contact us if:
If any of the below apply to you, please get in touch as soon as possible:
- Your business premises remain closed, even if you are shielding and have decided not to open just yet
- You have ceased trading
- You are a commercial property owner whose tenants are no longer trading or you don’t know if they will return to the premises
You can contact us by either:
- Email us with the best number to reach you on at
- Telephone us on 0800 158 5263
You do not have to contact us if:
You don't have to get in touch in the following circumstances:
- If your business premises are open and trading as normal
- You can check your policy wording terms and conditions by referring to your welcome pack we sent you when you bought the policy
We hope you, your employees and your business stay safe, and should anything change regarding the information above, we’ll be in touch.
For updated government advice please see here