Business broadband and phoneline
We’ll help you find the right business broadband
- We’ll make sense of providers and tariffs
- Actually get the speed you’ll be paying for
- Unlimited bundles with price guarantee
We compare a vetted panel of trusted UK business suppliers
Our digital assistant Bertie will help gather your requirements using secure smart data to find the details we need to run your quotes.
A reliable system can mean different things. That's why it's important that our human experts are there to quickly identify your unique pain points over a quick call.
We'll compare your bespoke solution across our panel of trusted UK suppliers, help you choose the right deal, and if you choose to proceed handle the switching process for you.
If you decide to switch, we’ll be paid a commission by the new supplier that is included in the prices we quote.
If you’ve not switched business phone and broadband for a year or so, you could be paying too much for your calls and getting left behind with slow internet speeds. But comparing deals can be tricky, especially if you’re not sure of the exact speeds you need. Bionic will cut through the jargon and talk you through your options to find the best deal.
Although most businesses benefit from Superfast and Ultrafast Fibre, our agents always offer tailored recommendations based on your exact needs..
We check the actual speed you’ll receive at your premises, rather than relying on a supplier marketing headline, so there are no unwanted surprises.
Our optional WiFi hub means you’ll never be without a connection, even if there’s an outage or you’re connecting away from your premises.
We have exclusive deals with preferred suppliers who will never increase the price of your broadband and phone line during the life of your contract. We only sell unlimited broadband packages, and have special unlimited everything packages, so you never need to worry about extra charges.
Bionic is a one-stop shop for business energy, business insurance, business connectivity (phone line and broadband), and business finance (loans). Save yourself time and hassle by getting all your business products sorted in one place. Just one name to remember for any of your essential services.
Or speak to one of our team now on 0800 860 6833